Our Maternity department
MATERNITY WARDS; 12noon to 1pm & 3pm to 5pm
Open 24hours, 7 days a week-for admission of booked cases or emergency cases meeting our admissions criteria.
EMERGENCY & ACCIDENT (A & E): Not available
Booking forms can be obtained from our website, Domboshava Medclinic , Borrowdale Dental Surgery (Sam Levy’s Village) , Daniye Dental Clinic/ Kuwadzana 2 shops and Dr Farayi Moyana Dental Surgery 60 Baines Av, Medical Chambers, First floor. A maternity case can book and/or pay at any of these 4 places.
Our Maternity department comprises of (1) a double delivery cubicle room, with internal recovery/resuscitation cubicle, shower and change room plus maternal/ fetal monitoring equipment (2) a twin- bed early labour ward (3) a twin-bed Immediate post-delivery observation/ recovery room, (4) 8- bed stand-alone post-natal department with 2 standard twin-bed wards and 2 twin-bed premium wards with an enclosed shared private lounge, kitchenette, TV and fridge.
We offer 3 meals per day with lunch and supper based on a choice menu.
The Ultra Sound Scan service is available as complementary to our maternity service. We have 3 maternity packages (1) Full package: Total cost is 260 USD (inclusive of lab tests, covid-19 test/Pcr, 2 Ultrasound scans, 3 midwife ANC visits, 1 doctor exam, delivery and any minor suturing and 2 days admission and monitoring.
Any medications are paid for separately) (2) Limited package A: 230 USD (inclusive of 1 Ultrasound scan, lab test, covid-19 test/Pcr, 1 doctor’s exam and 1 midwife ANC visit. Any additional ANC visits and scans are paid for separately). (3) Limited package B:156 USD. Extra payment needed for or proof of the following tests: covid-19 test/Pcr, lab test, 1 scan, ANC visits. (4) Emergency/unbooked maternity cases pay an extra US100, and must accept a mandatory covid-19 rapid diagnostic test.
NB: All maternity cases lodge a refundable 30USD ambulance fee.
Visiting Hours: husbands and partners’ visiting times are open and unrestricted subject to vetting and obtaining a pass at the reception.
Siblings and other visitors are allowed in during regular hospital visiting times.